ProTect-All Solutions

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54 Years of Misinformation: Squat Lifting is Still Not Safer Than Stoop Lifting!
07 Jun, 2024
Founder of ProTect-All Solutions, Andrew Wright, CIH, CSP, and Founder of IntelliSafe Analytics, Daniel Timco, co-authored an hashtag#OHS article to shed light on 54 Years of Misinformation: Squat Lifting is Still Not Safer Than Stoop Lifting! These companies have collaborated to identify how wearable tech data can be used to determine lifting stress on the worker.
Serious Injury & Fatality Prevention
27 Sep, 2023
Adopting SIFP encourages that we record and any incident, learn from it, and help prevent it from happening again. ProTect-All Solutions works through the next steps in the journey to safety excellence. Adopting SIFP: Serious Injury & Fatality Prevention is one of the the highestest priorities in the industry.
By Luke Reiser 25 Jul, 2023
We’ve been waiting for generations for a proactive manufactured device to predict risk -- a scientific approach where training and audits fall short on predictability. We now have such a wearable device from Intellisafe Analytics. This device uses biometric data, AI is calibrated to the user (employee) and can predict the potential of slips, trips, and falls in the workplace. Last year, more than 1 in 5 workplace deaths (46.1 percent of all fatal falls) occurred in the construction industry. Just over 1/3 of the deaths in this industry were due to slips, trips, and falls -- almost entirely from falls to a lower level. 🚧 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ) So what if you could predict where your workers will fall, or better yet, stop them from future falls? ProTect-All is a proud partner of IntelliSafe Analytics. Request a demo to learn more about this wearable device.
Hearing conservation program
31 Jan, 2023
OSHA requires employers to implement a hearing conservation program when noise exposure is at or above 85 decibels averaged over 8 working hours
Operation Clean Sweep
27 Sep, 2021
You can make a BIG difference by doing simple things. Have you heard of Operation Clean Sweep? ProTect-All personnel perform OCS-based site audits and developed company-specific programs for leading manufacturers in the plastics industry.
Leadership Change Management
20 Jun, 2021
As a leader, show them you can change. Make personal changes before asking others to change. Believe in your people and build trust with them. Tear fences down instead of building them. Be the emotional support for your team. ProTect-All partners with P1 Leadership to deliver Leadership Consulting built around your organization's needs. Inquire today.
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